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Poll: Most Czechs for ban on fur animal breeding

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Prague, Dec 8 (CTK) – Most Czechs disagree with fur animal breeding and reject the testing of detergents on animals and the use of wild animals in circuses, according to a poll conducted by the CVVM polling agency and released yesterday.
Over three-fourths of Czechs hold the view that current society can make do without the fur fashion.
“For me, the 70 percent of Czechs who demand the closure of fur animal farms is a clear signal. I think that other politicians, too, should reflect it in their attitudes,” senator Ivana Cabrnochova (Greens) said.
“This is a wish of a large part of the Czech Republic’s population, which has some weight,” she added.
Cabrnochova said she was drafting her own legislation banning the animal farms.
The poll, commissioned by the Animal Freedom group, was conducted on a sample of 1054 respondents in November.
The view that fur animal breeding should be banned is held by 70 percent. The killing of animals over furs is rejected by 78 percent.
Animal testing is rejected by 53 percent of Czechs, while the opposite view is held by less than two-fifths of respondents.
The breeding and drill of wild animals such as elephants, tigers and lions in circuses is rejected by 51 percent of Czechs.
According to estimates, there are 10,000 animals, mainly minks and foxes, in ten animal farms in the Czech Republic. Activists have protested against cruel conditions of animal breeding.
The poll has revealed that some 7 percent of Czechs over 15 buy products with real fur from time to time.

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