Prague, Dec 9 (CTK) – Most Czech children or 72 percent prefer traditional paper books to electronic ones though more and more of them have e-book readers, according to a poll among young readers within the Reading Helps project.
In 2013, 10 percent of Czech children owned e-readers, while this year it is 20 percent more.
Paradoxically, the popularity of e-book readers has dropped to a mere 6 percent.
“We have relation to books, but not much to e-readers,” said writer Alena Jezkova, ambassador of the Reading Helps project.
According to the pollsters, the decline in the popularity of e-readers is a natural intermediary stage of the technological development.
The poll shows that 43 percent of children sometimes read books on the display of theer smartphone, tablet or computer. Consequently, they do not have a reason for having an e-book reader.
Doctor Martina Celecka, specialised in child and youth psychiatry, defends e-readers.
“Parents should not ban children from using e-readers and other electronic devices,” she said, adding that they should limit time for their use.
The poll was conducted on a sample of 938 registered primary and secondary schools students aged from six to 19 years online in June 2015.