Prague, June 11 (CTK) – Smoking is still allowed in about 40 percent of restaurants, bars and cafes in Prague and Brno, the two Czech largest cities, according to a survey the Internet pub guide Zomato has released in the wake of the government’s approval of a bill that is to completely ban smoking in pubs.
The bill is yet to be discussed by parliament.
“Out of the total of 5,947 pubs in Prague, 2,383 (40 percent) are either fully open to smokers or have separate premises designed for smokers,” Milan Vyletal, head of the Zomato branch in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, said.
“In Brno, smoking is possible in 603 (38 percent) of 1,603 pubs,” he said.
The new bill, if passed, would completely ban smoking not only in pubs but also at concerts and disco parties as of January 1, 2016.
In addition, the bill bans the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages by vending machines, and introduces other measures to curb tobacco and alcohol consumption.
The bill is opposed by the hotels and restaurants’ operators as well as breweries, which fear a decline in the number of customers.
On the other hand, experts in the fight against addiction consider the bill a step in the right direction.
According to a poll that Charles University’s Faculty of Social Sciences and the Ipsos agency released in May, Czechs more and more mind the smoking in restaurants, cafes and bars.
Since 2012, the share of people who resent such smoking has risen by 10 percentage points to the present 52 percent.
The share of those who would welcome a complete ban on smoking has also steeply increased, from 28 to 40 percent, the poll showed.
About one third of adult Czechs are smokers.