Prague, Sept 12 (CTK) – The population number of the Czech Republic rose by 11,000 to 10,564,900 in the first six months of the year, which was largely due to foreign migration, according to the data published by the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) yesterday.
Roughly 1,000 more people were born than died, the CSU said.
Thanks to net migration, the Czech population rose by over 10,000 people.
In all, there were about 19,700 immigrants and almost 9,700 emigrants. Slovaks made up most of the former, followed by Ukrainians and Romanians.
“The number of live-births was 96 higher than a year ago. In all, 55,050 children were born, while 48.8 percent were born out of wedlock. The number of legitimate births diminished again,” CSU director Iva Ritschelova said.
Between January and June, there were 54,100 deaths, which was 3700 fewer than a year ago.
In the first half of last year, the number of deaths was the highest from 1998, however.
People over 80 accounted for almost 45 percent of the deaths, while 12 percent died before 60.
Infant mortality slightly rose to 2.9 per thousand as against that for the whole of 2015.
A total of 19,200 couples got married, roughly the same number as a year ago. Most bridegrooms were 30 and most brides 27.
The number of divorces slightly rose, by 100 to 13,500 compared with last year.
The average duration of the divorced marriages was 14.7 years. Most frequently, marriages were divorced after eight years.
Almost 60 percent of the divorced marriages had underage children. A divorce affected almost 12,400 children. One-fifth of the divorced men and women had their marriage ended repeatedly.