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NGO: Czech Republic unprepared for current threats

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Prague, Oct 13 (CTK) – The Czech Republic should fundamentally change its security system as it is not prepared for the current threats, though Europe faces the most complicated period in terms of safety in the past 20 years, European Values NGO director Radko Hokovsky told reporters yesterday.
Security risks may strengthen extremist and authoritarian tendencies in society, he added.
“We want the liberal forces to prepare for these threats and not to succumb to them and we do not want freedoms to be limited and the tendencies to introduce a police state to deepen,” Hokovsky said.
He proposed that the post of state secretary for national security be established as one of the measures to provide stability of the Czech Republic in a crisis. This state secretary, who would be directly accountable to the prime minister, would coordinate the systems of external and internal security.
The European Values analysts also ask for more money to be earmarked for the Czech armed forces that are underfunded. They say the government should see to it that the military is capable of defending the Czech territory and not only to serve as a specialised corps for foreign missions.
The analysts also recommend a further development and considerable strengthening of the active reserves concept as well as the strengthening of the inhabitants’ defensive skills.
The NGO has worked out four scenarios of the development in the following three years that may affect the Czech Republic’s security.
It considers a repeat of last year’ migrant wave and a series of Islamist attacks in European countries the major threats. Less probable risks are the victory of ultra-right candidate Marine Le Pen in the upcoming French presidential election and a Russian aggression against in the Baltics.
“Our study should work as an appeal to our representatives and make us be prepared to face the consequences of these scenarios,” Hokovsky said.
Not only the European Values NGO, but also security analysts from the government and non-governments centres, who helped work out the scenarios, release information on security threats, he pointed out.

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