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Czechs relaxing security measures after Paris attacks

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Prague, Jan 14 (CTK) – Increased security measures, relating for example to department stores, imposed after the November terrorist attacks in Paris were cancelled at the beginning of the year, Czech Interior Minister Milan Chovanec (Social Democrats, CSSD) told journalists yesterday.
However, the police are still on alert, Chovanec said, adding that the Czech Republic did not have any information that it was threatened by a terrorist attack.
The Czech police passed the increased security measures on the night of November 13-14 when terrorist attacks in Paris claimed about 130 lives.
Due to the attacks, the police protected more department stores, international airports and the French embassy.
Chovanec said the security measures had ended on the last day of last year.
“In the meantime, nothing happened,” Chovanec said.
There is no information indicating that the Czech Republic is threatened, he added.
“We have no information that any terrorist attacks or more crime are threatening in the Czech Republic,” Chovanec said.
Later this year, the National Security Council and the government are to approve four degrees of threat clearly defining the measures to be taken by the state.
The lowest is denoted by nought, the highest by three. Nought means the ideal state, one increased alert, two an unspecified risk targeting the Czech Republic and three a high degree of probability that something may happen.
At present, the situation corresponds with the future state one.

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