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Poll: Two-thirds of Czechs consider family with two kids optimal

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Prague, March 15 (CTK) – More than two thirds of Czechs consider a family with two children optimal, and a half of Czechs believe that it is not necessary for parents to be a married couple, according to a public opinion poll the CVVM agency conducted in February and released to CTK yesterday.
If a family does not function, divorce is an acceptable solution, three quarters of the respondents said.
Ten percent of the respondents said it is optimal to have one child, 16 percent said three children are optimal and 2 percent said four and more children are optimal.
One in 100 Czechs prefers no child at all, the poll showed.
“The opinion that two children are ideal for a family is deeply rooted in Czech society,” the CVVM said.
People’s opinion in this respect has remained unchanged since 2004.
A half of Czechs believe that one parent can raise children as effectively as two parents, the poll showed.
A total of 12 percent consider marriage an unnecessary institution, while 56 percent are of the opposite view.
Two fifths of Czechs do not share the opinion that the main reason for people to marry is that they want to have children.
One fourth of those questioned said people are more satisfied in marriage. Thirty-one percent said the opposite.
Some 44 percent disagree with the opinion that divorced men fare worse than divorced women. About 20 percent agree with the opinion.
A half of the respondents said a man should become father after turning 30.
According to 14 percent, fatherhood is the best at the age of 24. According to 15 percent, the optimal age for fatherhood is 28. One in 100 respondents said the optimal age for fatherhood is after 40.
The optimal age for a woman to become a mother is before she turns 30, according to 80 percent of the respondents.
Forty percent said motherhood is optimal at the age of 24.
No respondents said they consider it optimal for a woman to have her first offspring after turning 36.

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