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Právo: ČR hit by drought

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Prague, July 16 (CTK) – The Czech Republic has been afflicted by drought due to the mild winter and low precipitations in the past weeks, which has caused river water and underground water levels to decline considerably, daily Pravo writes yesterday, citing Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMU) deputy head Jan Danhelka.
The “hydrological drought” is combined with several other types of drought. The climatic drought rests in extremely low precipitations, while the agricultural drought means a shortage of ground water that is necessary for plants, Danhelka said.
Each of the drought types develops differently, but each has appeared in particular areas in the Czech Republic now.
The first to be afflicted by drought are farmers. At present, a water deficit torments mainly southern and central Moravia and eastern Bohemia, Danhelka said.
The volume of water in Czech rivers continues to shrink to the detriment of not only canoeists and water power plants’ owners, but also the water ecosystems, he said.
“Compared with similar troubles in the past, we are close to the situation in the extremely dry year of 2003,” Danhelka said.
As far as underground water is concerned, 30 percent of the country’s stations monitoring it have reported the relevant warning symptoms, which occur once in eight years, approximately, Danhelka said, adding that underground waters always react to a drought with a certain delay.
The snowfall was extremely low last winter. In addition, the maximum share of water in snow, 1.42 billion cubic metres, was registered as long ago as early February, Danhelka said.
In total, only less than 80 percent of the usual precipitation volume has been registered this year, with March being the last month with above-average precipitations. The water deficit has been rising since, Danhelka said.
The short-term forecasts do not expect any change in the days to come.
“The following days are to be average or under-average in terms of precipitations,” Danhelka said.

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