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Server commemorates Czech troops fallen in contemporary missions

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Prague, July 18 (CTK) – The Czech Defence Ministry has launched an Internet server, In memoriam, to commemorate the Czech soldiers who fell in contemporary military missions and raise the public’s awareness of them and their lives, Petr Medek, from the ministry’s press department, has announced.

“The soldiers who fell and died while serving their homeland have to be constantly commemorated. They made the highest sacrifice for the rest of us to live normal and free lives,” Defence Minister Martin Stropnicky (ANO) said, commenting on the new server.

The virtual monument, which is how the ministry describes the server, highlights the lives of 37 war veterans. It offers photographs from their military as well as civilian lives, the lists of military missions they completed and the awards they received, and also the photos of their burial places.

In future, the server will be extended to commemorate further fallen war veterans.

The authors say they believe that this will acquaint people with the soldiers’ heroism and prevent it from falling into oblivion.

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