Prague, Dec 21 (CTK) – The Czech cabinet approved yesterday a plan of building the Czech military until 2025, which is an important strategic document the government was preparing for two years, Vladimir Lukovsky, from the Defence Ministry´s press section, told CTK.
The plan, which has been approved in a classified regime, defines the military´s future development and the capabilities it should preserve or acquire.
It projects the recruitment of new soldiers and modernisation of military equipment.
The plan will be implemented in two phases. The first one, to last until 2020, focuses on increasing the number of career soldiers as well as active reserves, and replacing the equipment whose lifespan is close to expiry.
The military will buy new helicopters and mobile radars, for example. It will also buy necessary new ammunition and reserve materiel.
Within the second phase, to last until the end of 2025, the military will mainly modernise or replace equipment, Lukovsky said.
He said the infantry combat vehicles are among the equipment to be replaced, while airfield infrastructure and pontoon bridges will be modernised.
By approving the document, “we have fulfilled an important task the cabinet embedded in its policy statement shortly after it was appointed in early 2014,” Defence Minister Martin Stropnicky (ANO) said.
Chief-of-staff Josef Becvar said his priority is to gradually implement the strategic plan in all areas concerned, which means a rise in the number of personnel and material, modernisation of the military forces and the strengthening of the importance of the active reserves.
He said he expects all types of units to develop evenly to enable the establishment of fully effective task forces that could be deployed both at home and abroad.