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Buddhists from across world to meet in Prague

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Prague, Dec 22 (CTK) – Over 2,000 Buddhists from the whole world will attend a meditation course of the Diamond Way Buddhism, headed by a lama from Tibet and another from Denmark, in Prague on December 27-31, organiser Nikola Bukajova told CTK yesterday.
The programme is open to the public. For some, the meeting with Buddhism may be an unusual contribution to the celebration of Christmas, Bukajova said.
Guests from Austria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary and overseas will come, she added.
The mediation course will be led by lama Ole Nydahl who is very popular in the Czech Republic as he established over 50 meditation centers in it over the past 20 years, Bukajova said.
In all, there are over 3,500 Diamond Way Buddhists in the Czech Republic.
The Buddhists will spend the last days of the year by a joint meditation and lectures. On New Year’s Eve, there will be a meditation marathon, in which 2,000 participants in the course will alternately meditate for 12 hours.

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