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Post Type Selectors Zeman’s former protocol head Forejt returns clearance

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Prague, Dec 21 (CTK) – Former head of the Czech Presidential Office’s protocol section, Jindrich Forejt, has returned his security clearance to access Secret information, the website of the weekly Tyden writes yesterday, referring to two sources from the Presidential Office.
The National Security Office (NBU), which issued the clearance and could have removed it from Forejt, started checking him. Forejt did not wait for the result and gave up his clearance, writes.
Presidential Office spokesman Jiri Ovcacek did not comment on the information and he said this question should be addressed to the NBU or Forejt.
NBU spokesman Radek Holy said a holder of a security clearance can return it anytime without giving any reason for the step. The NBU has no right to say whether somebody returned a clearance.
Forejt, 39, who headed the Presidential Office’s protocol for more than 12 years, resigned officially for personal and health reasons two weeks ago.
Before Forejt’s resignation, some media wrote that he appeared in a compromising video involving drugs and male prostitutes. Men with a criminal past allegedly offered the video to media. It has not been possible to verify the authenticity of the video recording.
Forejt has been nominated for the post of ambassador to the Vatican since 2014. However, all Czech ambassadors have security clearances.

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