Prague, June 24 (CTK) – A half of Czechs would back the chance for homosexuals couples to conclude marriages and adopt children, according to a May poll released by the CVVM agency, which said the number of people supporting homosexuals’ rights has been increasing in the past years.
This May, the respondents gave prevailingly affirmative answers to almost all types of questions addressed to them.
A crushing majority of them, about 75 percent, said they recognise the same-sex couples’ right to conclude registered partnership, which is legal in the Czech Republic.
Asked whether such couples should have the right conclude classical marriage, 49 percent of those polled said yes and 47 percent said no.
Introduced in 2006, the registered partnership status does not enable child adoption by homosexual couples.
The CVVM poll showed that Czechs differ on the possibility of child adoption by such couples.
Fifty-nine percent of the respondents said they would enable same-sex couples to adopt the kids of one of the partners.
Thirty-three percent were against it.
Negative answers prevailed when respondents were asked about the chance for same-sex couples to adopt kids who stay in children’s homes.
This is a considerable increase in the number of the supporters of the adoption chance since 2005, when only 19 percent of Czechs were for homosexual couples’ chance to adopt kids in general.
Forty-four percent of those polled supported the idea but 49 percent said they are opposed to it.
The CVVM also asked the respondents whether they believe that homosexuals’ coming out in their home town would cause troubles to them.
Fifty-one percent of Czechs believe it would cause problems to the homosexuals, while 40 percent believe it would not.