Prague, Aug 29 (CTK) – The number of Czech first grade pupils will slightly decrease for the second time in a row in the forthcoming school year, by 1,200 down to about 115,500, according to the qualified estimates the Education Ministry passed to CTK yesterday.
The biggest number of first grade pupils were enrolled in the school year 2014/2015, when it was over 117,000.
Despite a slight decrease, this is still a much stronger cohort than in the period before September 2013.
As a result, the total number of elementary schools pupils will increase by 25,000 to about 905,400.
Almost two-fifths of them will attend the lower grade level, from the first to the fifth class.
Roughly one-tenth of children will leave the fifth or seventh grade to secondary schools or conservatoires.
Roughly 101,600 students, 600 more than a year ago, will enter secondary schools.
The biggest group attends vocational schools with a school-leaving examination. There are approximately 46,700 students. Over 30,000 are going to apprentice training centres or other secondary schools without school-leaving examination.
Classical secondary schools will be entered by 24,000 children, about half of whom in multiple-year programmes.
Compared to the last year, the situation has remained all but the same, the ministry said.
The number of secondary school students will increase by about 700. In the daily form, there will be about 394,800 of them. Of the number, 129,000 will be at multiple-year and four-year secondary schools and almost 90,000 at schools without a school-leaving examination.