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Mobile Phone — Restaurant’s Friend or Foe?

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Mobile wallets — launched just about a decade ago — have become popular as they are very convenient to use. Mobile wallets such as Apple Wallet and Google Pay count also to the most preferred ways people want to stay updated on deals, promotions, and discounts. People expect their mobile wallets to spoil them with offers and targeted notifications.

Beyond easy payments by tapping the mobile phone, mobile wallets allow people to store, use and manage digital content from their favorite businesses. Digital coupons, loyalty cards, event tickets, boarding passes, and much more … Like every other mobile app, mobile wallets also feature push notifications. These messages would pop up as a banner on the lock screen of a mobile phone of your customers. So why should you pay a lot of money for developing and maintaining a custom mobile app for your small business?

You can create your own digital content for mobile wallets and use it for a relevant, tailored, and timely interaction with your customers. I would say it is a smart bookmark to your business on your customers’ mobile phones. Your digital coupon, loyalty card, or event ticket is dynamic. It can be updated at any time and features clickable links on its backside. So people can click and open websites, call you, send an email to your customer support, or find your businesses.

Now, some restaurants are banning mobile phone use at their tables. Such a mess, people are texting or snapping photos while they are eating out. As much as I don’t understand that habit, I don’t understand those restaurants, too.

If you run — for instance — a local restaurant, why not build a simple and cost-effective loyalty program with mobile push notifications? Such a loyalty program should be accessible and convenient for people. Instead of providing another loyalty app to download, you can appeal to people through a digital coupon or loyalty card for the mobile wallet. As soon as people register for your loyalty program by entering a few basic data, they would simply download their new digital stamp card directly to their mobile wallet. You can easily work with multiple segments and show up on your customers’ lock screen with tailored deals and promotions, or exclusive content. Always at the right time.

People don’t need to carry any paper or plastic cards. They don’t even need to remember about your loyalty program. Your digital loyalty card is always on hand, living in your customer’s mobile wallet. You can send messages with daily specials right before the lunch rush, or in the afternoon when foot traffic is low. On top of that, you can engage your customers who are in close proximity to your place by location-based push notifications. Their mobile wallet would offer your digital loyalty card on the lock screen of customers’ mobile phones with your location-specific message.

People are always on their mobile phones. So communicate your promotions and exclusive updates, or target specific customers at the right place … on their mobile phones.

About Ladislav Poledna

Ladislav is a part-time blogger who inspires readers to “Become Digital” by publishing materials about digital marketing in his Prague Monitor column and aptly named blog. He has 27+ years of experience in different sales roles within multiple industries. In the last 2 years, he has been leading the introduction of new commercial lithium-ion batteries to the EMEA region with the world’s leading producer of engines for outdoor power equipment. And recently, he also co-founded a B-to-B software service company that makes mobile marketing affordable and easy to use. Ladislav’s philanthropic contribution consists of a long-term relationship with a charity focused on funding dreams for people with muscular dystrophy.


Mobile phones are long becoming the main “screen” in peoples’ lives. Mobile marketing is no longer an innovation but a part of important decisions. Read articles on mobile marketing to get inspired on how to connect with people where they spend a lot of their time. Ladislav started Become Digital in May 2019 and since then he has added over 80 articles.

About Digikupon

Born in Europe in 2019 and available worldwide, Digikupon provides businesses with self-service tools that make mobile marketing affordable and easy to use. Digikupon helps businesses attract, serve, and retain customers by creating digital experiences for customers through mobile phones with our mobile wallet, proximity, and incentive solutions. Digikupon also easily links to and integrates with a wide range of software solutions allowing to programmatically automate and simplify the creating, updating, and deleting of custom branded digital content for mobile wallets.

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