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Thanks for the smile: Prague Monitor charity update

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I used to make it a point to try and make someone smile every day.

Whether it was helping a lost grandma, giving someone a big tip, making a joke in a bad situation or driving a random person to the other side of town with their IKEA purchase, the goal was very fulfilling and ended up with some beautiful romances, great friends and a clean conscience.

The Prague Lions and the Prague Monitor are continuing their partnership in the #supportyourlocal campaign. Raising money to buy some food from our local restaurant sponsors and deliver it to people who need a happy moment.

Last Friday, we delivered 100 pizzas and Gyros to Motol hospital staff in a surprise lunch break party. The smiles and feedback were touching, throw in some dark Czech humor and it may be the best day that building has seen in a long time. Just have a look at the picture above and you see the happiness and pride our young heroes feel in getting a cheesy meat pizza. Jokes aside, in a better world, more people would be recognized and more of us would feel pride in being part of those moments of laughter in between an impossible task.

If you want to take part in this week’s campaign of happiness, we will be delivering a wonderful Friday lunch to Bulkova hospital in Prague 4. So if you want to make someone laugh, feel appreciated, surprised or positive, we would love you to join us!

How does it work?

We raise money on a transparent account:

2301891520/2010 Here is the link:

We sum it up and order food on Thursday from:

REST, Podolské nábř. 6, 147 00 Praha 4

DVOREK KARLÍN, Křižíkova 65a, 186 00 Praha 8, Karlín

One can also go to the restaurants and order “a portion for #supportyourlocal” and pre-pay some thank you food onsite. So please feel free to contribute any amount, about 150-200 Crowns buys a portion of food.

Here are the prior stories for 2021 #supportyourlocal and the “thank you” to our hospital workers:

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