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TOP 09 wants to postpone Czech electronic registration of sales

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Prague, Sept 22 (CTK) – The right-wing opposition TOP 09 party proposed the postponing of the compulsory electronic registration of sales, whose launch is scheduled for December 1, by two years, its chairman Miroslav Kalousek said yesterday.
As of December, the duty to register sales electronically will concern hotels and restaurants. According to the plan worked out by Finance Minister Andrej Babis (ANO), the duty will gradually concern all further businesses and entrepreneurs. Self-employed craftsmen should be the last to join the system in May 2018.
Kalousek said the gradual launch of the new registration system and a number of exemptions will rather worsen than improve the business environment.
TOP 09 would like to introduce the system only after the next general election due in late 2018 if its promoters continue ruling the country.
“If the forces that promote the electronic registration of sales win the 2018 elections, the law will take effect and it will apply to all. If we win, we will cancel the law and the conditions will be the same for all as well,” Kalousek said.
Kalousek said he expected the opposition parties that were against the electronic registration to support the proposal. TOP 09 would negotiate about its proposal with the ruling Social Democrats (CSSD) and Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL), he added.
The centre-left government believes that the electronic registration of sales will cut tax evasion. The right-wing opposition Civic Democrats (ODS) and TOP 09 strongly criticised the plan and said it would liquidate many small entrepreneurs.
The ODS and TOP 09 that ruled the country from 2006 to 2013, except for several months of a caretaker cabinet, are now supported only by approximately 15 percent of the voters, the latest opinion polls show.

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