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Czech reputation abroad improves thanks to government, PM says

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Prague, Aug 28 (CTK) – The Czech Republic has a better reputation abroad than it had four years ago thanks to its stable government, Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka said after his talks with Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek (both Social Democrats, CSSD) today.

“I firmly believe we are a trustworthy, serious partner for our allies and friends, be it in the European Union or NATO,” Sobotka said, calling the two organisations the main anchors of Czech foreign policy.

Sobotka met Zaoralek to assess his work two months before the general election. He had bilateral meetings with the other members of his cabinet in the past several weeks.

Sobotka said the development and humanitarian aid of the country is positively viewed.

Zaoralek said he considers the development of economic diplomacy a success and he praised the ministry’s effort to support Czechs who faced troubles abroad.

Sobotka said the weak point of the diplomacy is the failure to increase the number of Czechs occupying senior posts in European Union bodies.

“One of the things on which the next government must focus is to further support our capable and ambitious candidates so that we may move to top positions in the EU structures,” he said.

He appreciated the passage of a new Czech foreign policy concept and of the law on diplomatic service.

Sobotka also said the talks that the representatives of the government and parliament had with President Milos Zeman to coordinate the steps to be taken in foreign policy were beneficial.

Zaoralek said he as foreign minister could not have scored any marked success without cooperation with the prime minister and his support.


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